Monday, December 4, 2017

Mama! Papa! Thank you!

We can do Hugs and Kisses, Flowers and Cards but the sweetest thing we can offer to our parents is our sincere thoughts of Thank You and I Love You.
Parents' Day, held last December 1, 2017, is an annual celebration of Nabunturan National Comprehensive High School to honor all the parents for their undying love and support not only to their children but also to the school. The event really showed that the school have always appreciated and given importance the parents' contribution of improving the school as a place of learning. 
On the other side, the instituition's facilities and classrooms were ready for turn-over so the school decided to integrate the blessing and turning over of buildings with the parents' day celebration. 

The NNCHS' gym was filled with colors and excitement. Almost 1000 parents attended the event with their children. Students were ready and prepared for their tokens and gifts to their loving parents. 
Guest speakers and political officials were also invited to witness the celebration. Guest speakers really inspired everyone about the hardships of each parent just to send their children to school. They really emphasized the sacrifices a parent can do and that we, students must not take education as a simple thing. Also a raffle promo and free snacks for everyone were sponsored by our ever supportive congressman Hon. Ruwel Peter Gonzaga. At exactly 11:30 am the atmosphere turned into a sweet and emotional state. The students started to give their tokens of gratitude to their parents. Tears were present and words of 'thank you' and 'I love you' covered the whole gymnasium. Everyone felt the LOVE. The celebration went successful with the help of all working staff. Everybody went home with smiles on their faces.

Unfortunately, my parents couldn't attend the celebration because of work. However, I did not let the moment - to show how grateful I am that they're my parents - escape. Saying a simple thank you made a smile on my mother's face and that's the most sweetest response that I have recieved. 

Being a parent or a legal guardian is not a simple role as you think. Parents will do and sacrifice everything just to give what you want and need so we must not forget and ignore them. A kiss, hug, card, flower and a good son/daughter are the simple ways we can offer to them as to show our gratitude and appreciation. 


  1. "A kiss, hug, card, flower and a good son/daughter are the simple ways we can offer to them as to show our gratitude and appreciation."
    Good point, Visente!

  2. "Being a parent or a legal guardian is not a simple role as you think."
    Exactly! Being a parent means no days off. For now, simple ways such as what you've mentioned above are the best things we can do to repay them. :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Indeed, we must not ignore our parents. Let's make most out of the present to show how thankful we are. Cards, flowers, hugs, and kisses are great but we must never lose sincerity. ❤

  5. Indeed, we must not ignore our parents. Let's make most out of the present to show how thankful we are. Cards, flowers, hugs, and kisses are great but we must never lose sincerity. ❤
